"You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."-1 Corinthians 16:20

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Wow! I cant' believe it's been two months since I've posted here. It's been kind of crazy around my house lately and as many good intention as I've had, I just haven't gotten it done. My brain has been fried. Too many things to do and not enough time to do them all. But I think I'm finally in a settling down place and getting back into a routine. Yay!

So, the past couple of months has been full of ups and downs. I have done really well some days and some days I have really struggled. But overall, it's been good. I have lost another 10 pounds! That brings the grand total to...

30 pounds!!! Gone!!!

I have about 5 pounds to go and I'll be back at the lowest weight I've been since we moved here in 2010. Awesome!

Over the past few months, I have made several attempts to make some sort of commitment to a "rule" to help me be healthier. I attempted to give up soda, and actually succeeded for quite a while. But, once I gave in, I'm just as hooked on it as ever. I tried to give up sweets and did that for several days, maybe even a couple of weeks, but gave in to that, too, but not nearly to the degree I was before. I committed to riding my exercise bike 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week and I do pretty well with that. I'm up to about 7 miles in 30 minutes at least 3-4 days a week. I'm pretty proud of that.

There has been one "rule" that I have set for myself that I have been able to stick to, though. In July, I gave up french fries. And I haven't had even ONE since. French fries may not sound like a big deal, but for me it was. My family tends to grab fast food a little more often than we really should. I know we're not alone in that.  When you go into a fast food restaurant, you'll notice that the menus theses days are mostly not divided into items, but meals. And most of the meals include fries. For convenience of ordering, the meals are each given a number and that's how we're programmed to order, by number. And even if we don't order by number, the cashier is trained to ask, "Do you want the meal?"

So, for me, the one who doesn't want any extra attention focused on me, the one who never wants to rock the boat, or inconvenience anyone, to order something outside the prescribed options is hard. I feel like I am holding up the flow of things when I have to explain that no, I don't want fries with that. It would be so much easier just to say, "I'd like a #1" and move on down the line. But if I order them, I am going to eat them...and I don't want to let that happen.

So, I have to change the way I think about ordering. I have to see it for what it is. Ordering my food isn't about making it easy or convenient for the person taking my order, they are doing their job in helping me get what I want. It's about choosing the food that I am going to put into my body and making the best choice I can in that moment. I have to get over my fear that I'm going to upset someone or make them work a little harder by ordering "outside the box" or asking them to hold the mayo. I have to make the best choice I can make-for ME.

And, if the movement of the scale is any indication, the momentary inconvenience at the counter to give up the fries is totally worth it. 10 more pounds down. 30 pounds all together. The weight of a toddler that I don't carry around anymore. I think I like this new way of thinking!

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